Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Fun-Filled Start

The first day of school can be filled with big feelings for such young people (and older ones, too)!  To start in a positive way, I give the children Ready Confetti at Meet the Teacher night.  I print it on brightly colored card stock and stick balloon confetti in baggies on the inside.  

This is a great way to build excitement for the first day of school, and it helps get the bedtime reading routine started before the first day!  When children arrive at school, it gives us something to talk about right away, and we already have a common bond from having done the same bedtime activity the night before.  It's such fun!

When the children arrive at their desks, they find Magic Balls, which I discovered at Heather's Heart.

Use the magic ball for the first day of school. I do this and the kids love it. Love the name and labels though!:

We never know what experiences and backgrounds our children are coming from, so this is a nonthreatening way to assess their skills and allow them to enjoy a sensory experience (and get some of those jitters out).  Here are some of the basic skills I assess in those first few minutes with the Magic Ball:

Motor Skills
Sensory Experiences
Reading Skills (What are we hoping will happen? What does it mean that it changed color?)
Self Expression
Following Directions

After we are all settled in for the day, and I've completed my morning responsibilities (taking attendance, breakfast/lunch count, greeting families, and helping children unpack), we use the Magic Balls for a conversation starter.  We think about the way we are feeling and use our Magic Balls to express those feelings.

It's a fun way to start the day, and it helps us get to know each other in so many ways!

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